Initiatives > Data Clearing House > DCH2
DCH2: Switch Data Clearing House – Early Data Clearing House Development
About the project
The Open Data Clearing House project is to develop and deliver a proof of concept that demonstrates how technology infrastructure can underpin an open data clearing house for all Australian buildings. The solution will be tested on three CSIRO campuses by integrating their building data, and showcasing how that data can be collected in a consistent format, normalised, then used to benchmark buildings and ultimately hasten the transition to more renewable power sources and a net zero future.
Project title | Switch Data Clearing House (DCH) – Early Data Clearing House Development |
Project number | DCH2 |
Project location | Sydney, Australia |
Lead partner | Switch Automation Pty Ltd |
Project partners | CSIRO, AIRAH |
Start date | 02/2020 |
End date | 10/2020 |
ARENA/i-Hub funding | $348,500 |
Total project cost | $879,000 |
The absence of readily accessible building data is a significant hurdle for companies seeking to improve building performance, occupant experience, workplace transformation or reduce carbon footprint through reducing energy consumption, adopting renewable energy sources or controlling their peak demand.
The lack of accessible data stifles innovation and the industry is yet to see the influx of new entrepreneurs because they must first solve the very difficult problem of extracting data out of a myriad of building systems. This is the single complex, time consuming problem holding the industry back and most companies fail along the way despite the bravest of intentions and the smartest of minds.
The partners in this project, Switch Automation and CSIRO will:
- Build the DCH with associated documentation and APIs
- Demonstrate how the DCH can provide access to data for end users, service providers, software developers and other interested parties
- Demonstrate how DR control in building and HVAC applications can smooth peak demand
- Provide a case study for how open data can accelerate uptake of renewable energy sources.
At the end of the project, there will be a fully functional, entirely independent open Data Clearing House (DCH). This is infrastructure built and delivered in a way that encourages easy adoption by building owners and operators as well as various stakeholders right across the industry. The DCH will also encourage entrepreneurs and business owners to develop applications on the infrastructure that will accelerate grid management, adoption of renewables and progress towards net-zero buildings.
Our goal is to make the open Data Clearing House a thriving ecosystem, complete with marketplace for innovators to bring their solutions for commercial transactions. We want to encourage wide adoption of practices that will lower the carbon footprint in buildings – by increased adoption of renewables, real-time load management, nation-wide benchmarks, and a more digital approach to the HVAC industry, using data and analytics to proactively and predictively manage building systems.
The goal is to create a truly independent Australian open data platform that will underpin the HVAC industry –providing quality data to researchers, delivering nation-wide benchmarks for owners and operators, accelerating Australian innovation and creating a world-first initiative that will accelerate the adoption of renewables, improve load on the grid and increase the number of net-zero energy installations.
Additional impact
Delivering standard, normalised building data to service providers, entrepreneurs, software developers, research scientists, students, and the owners and operators of buildings, has the potential to fuel an acceleration of building digitisation. We hope to foster an entire ecosystem of exceptional Australian-born smart building technologies along with thousands of skilled jobs.
Existing jobs, such as trades, will become increasingly tech-enabled and will optimise the provision of building services and maintenance. This industry’s growth will advance worker skills and increase revenue for Australia, simultaneously evolving our buildings to their most advanced, smart, sustainable capacity. We will reduce our carbon footprint and leave legacy of measurable, positive impact on the planet.
Project reports
Evaluation Framework
All sub-projects within i-Hub are evaluated as part of the ongoing i-Hub project management process. Evaluation is completed by the project manager and reviewed by the Activity Leaders Group and i-Hub Steering Committee.