Smart Building Data Clearing House
Accurate and detailed building data is needed to properly manage energy use and improve building operations. But access to such data is limited by a lack of open standards and trusted processes for the sharing of diverse data sets. Opportunities, from new Internet-of-Things sensors and data streams, also need to be explored.
i-Hub aims to curate the Australian Smart Buildings Data Clearing House, a single location for accessing a wide range of energy and building data. It aims to increase the quality and value of data sets, and empower Australian businesses to develop new data analytics services.
This data, combined with the services of i-Hub member companies, will be used by building owners and property managers to save energy, improve efficiencies and reduce costs.
Data will also provide evidence to assist in decision making and inform policy.

Outcomes: Data Clearing House
This video looks at the outcomes of Smart Building Data Clearing House –a single location for accessing a wide range of energy and building data that aimed to increase the quality and value of data sets, and empower Australian businesses to develop new data analytics services.
For more information about Data Clearing Houses, please watch the below videos.
Current Data Clearing House projects
- DCH1: CSIRO Senaps data platform demonstration and development of the Data Clearing House
- DCH2: Switch Data Clearing House – Early Data Clearing House Development
- DCH3: Precinct energy integration for accessing the wholesale demand response mechanism
- DCH4: Sustainability monitoring and energy innovation in five NSW government buildings
- DCH5: Development and experimental implementation of Transactive Demand Response Management System through Open ADR-approach for institutional Buildings
- DCH6.1: Energy Control and Integration Program in NSW Schools – Stage 1
- DCH7: Improving the accuracy of PV analytics and energy analytics in buildings using open asset standards and data platform integration
- DCH8: Exergenics Chiller Staging App
- DHC9: DCH at scale: On-boarding Proof-of-Concept at a Qld hospital site
- DCH10: Increasing the value of onsite renewables in Darwin through data driven analytics
i-Hub Summit III – webinar series

The i-Hub hosted the third edition of the i-Hub Summit in June 2021. The Data Clearing House webinar was held on Wednesday, June 16, and is available to watch here.
i-Hub Summit II – webinar series

The Innovation Hub for Affordable Heating and Cooling (i-Hub) hosted its second Digital Summit during November and December in 2020. The second session was held on Tuesday, December 1, and provided an update on how the Data Clearing House is progressing and how users are looking to benefit from the platform. The webinar is available to watch here.
i-Hub Summit I – webinar series

The Innovation Hub for Affordable Heating and Cooling hosted its Digital Summit during June and July in 2020. The second session was held on Wednesday, July 1, and provided an update on the Demand Response Atlas, its value proposition and data sovereignty. The webinar is available to watch here.