About i-Hub
The Innovation Hub for Affordable Heating and Cooling (i-Hub) is an initiative proposed by AIRAH, CSIRO, the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Melbourne and the University of Wollongong to facilitate the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry’s transition to a low emissions future, stimulate jobs growth, and showcase HVAC&R innovation in buildings.
The objective of i-Hub is to support the broader HVAC industry with knowledge dissemination, skills-development and capacity-building. By facilitating a collaborative approach to innovation, i-Hub brings together leading universities, researchers, consultants, building owners and equipment manufacturers to create a connected research and development community in Australia.
The i-Hub in action
The Innovation Hub proposes to provide virtual and physical spaces where a community of industry innovators, designers, and educators can easily access knowledge and research infrastructure to incubate ideas and reshape industry practice to the needs of the 21st century.
i-Hub aims to enable Australian businesses to accelerate product development through access to cutting-edge intellectual property, independent technology validation, and interfaces with venture capital investment.
It is anticipated that industry contributions supplemented with government funding will be used to fund the activities. The Innovation Hub intends on building a membership base to a point where it is self-sustaining. For more information on memberships, visit the Membership page.
The i-Hub project team
AIRAH team

Vincent Ahern, Project Leader

Tony Gleeson, Chief Executive, AIRAH

Sami Zheng, Financial Controller
Activity Leaders
Smart Building Data Clearing House

Dr Stephen White, CSIRO
Living Labs

Dr Wendy Miller, QUT

Dr Paul Cooper, UOW
Integrated Design Studios

Brendon McNiven

Lu Aye, Melbourne Uni
Steering committee

Tony Gleeson, Chief Executive, AIRAH

Luke Menzel – CEO, Energy Efficiency Council

Phil Cowling – Chief Sustainability Officer, Cromwell Property Group

Dr Nathan Groenhout – Principal, Global IQ

Kriston Symons – Group Leader Buildings, ARUP

Steven Humphries – Emerging Markets Leader, AEMO

Dr Troy Wilson – Data Scientist

Peter Haenke – Manager, Business Development and Transactions, ARENA