All sub-projects within i-Hub are evaluated as part of the ongoing i-Hub project management process. Evaluation is completed by the project manager and reviewed by the Activity Leaders Group and i-Hub Steering Committee. Sub-project delivery is evaluated quarterly against the following criteria:
- Sub-project activities – carried out in accordance with the approved project plan timeline
- Project deliverables – delivered in accordance with the approved project plan
- Project budget – costs in accordance with the approved project plan budget.
All sub-projects have a list of defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and project outcomes. Progress towards achieving the agreed sub-project KPIs is evaluated every six months. The outcomes of the project are evaluated at project completion.
Sub-project teams are responsible for delivering the sub-project outcomes, Activity Leaders have a coordinating and governance role. The Activity Leaders Group highlights any emerging sub-project issues and potential solutions to the i-Hub Steering Committee. The i-Hub Steering Committee considers these and provide recommendations to AIRAH.
Created 24/3/2020